Good Afternoon All,
With stormy weather brewing in daily for almost a week elevator and I were in contact about a possible postponement for the boat ride. I was seriously disappointed as I had been looking forward to out first out of office jaunt for a while now and afraid since I wasn't sure how he was viewing the "swimming lesson" there would be no reason to form alternative plans. However, let me back track a little bit. For the past few weeks leading up to this we had been chatting on IM more taking regular walks around the building, and I had been bringing him in little treats. One particularly hectic work day for me my co worker emailed me to tell me that elevator had come by and left me something. When I got back up to my desk I saw a nice white box with a gold seal and inside was the most beautiful canoli with a note saying It was my turn to get the snacks I hope you enjoy. He had gone to a bakery during lunch and had them fill it there with chocolate since he knew I liked it. Very thoughtful. So on went the walking and the talking and in preparation for the big boat ride we had planned I went out an bought a new super cute bikini. However, the weather forecast like I mentioned was not looking good.
The day before our trip he sent me an email asking about ideas for alternative plans and suggested indoor mini golf so I was pretty psyched that he wanted to do something even though the boating was out. Then he emailed again and asked about my preferences for dinner. Hmm this was starting to sound like a date? I still wasn't sure. So since I'm kinda tired I'll speed up this story and say the day came and we both changed into our more casual clothes (nice tight 7 jeans, and a top my roommate picked out that had score of 6 on a scale of 1-insane cleavage) and some high shiny heels. At first I have to admit I felt a little awkward going out of the building dressed in our non work clothes at 3:30 (after telling our bosses we had a personal appt, not together of course)
Anyway the golfing was super fun and although a bit of a ride from where we work, it was this cool course with lots of black lights and a monster theme. He did beat me, but I beat him at air hockey, and ski ball (would have in pool if I hadn't scratched on that damn 8 ball). While the conversation was flowing well I have to admit I was still unsure where if at all things were going and was to be honest a little nervous. Off we went again to somewhere even further I think for dinner. The food made up for the lack of ambiance. It was a pretty casual Italian joint that could have easily been run by the mob. I asked if I could offer him money at the end and he said no. I encouraged him to take a call from his kids during the end of the meal. At least he asked if it was ok. No problems there. So during dinner he mentioned that he knew of a nicer place for drinks so he was still working on extending this date? I said that contrary to his belief since he's always carrying on about me being younger (28 to his almost 35 though I recently shaved three years off to amuse him more) that I did not have a curfew.
Off we went to yet another town and I ordered a snazzy pear martini. There was a creepy guy in his 40s at the table next to use who kept staring at me and it was actually angering elevator. He seemed to be getting quite frustrated so I played it up saying it was making me uncomfortable (which is kinda was). Nice to get the feeling he was a little jealous? So somewhere during the night he had promised to tell me about his brother who he said was also unhappily married. Well it turns out his brother is married to his wife's sister. Did you all catch that? So unless his brother gets divorced his wife is always going to be his brothers sister in law and his in laws will be at every joint holiday Whew! That's kinda random!
OK back to the martinis, and then there were two. Suddenly things started acquiring some more potential with the close leaning, the whispering in the ears, and dare I say a little bit of casual arm touching. After deciding shots were in the forecast (though not served at the establishment) we crossed the street and went to another bar. Now they served shots but had no shot glasses so without exaggeration, the bartender poured literally 5 shots worth of straight vodka into cordial glasses. Well I took down about 3 and then didn't want to press my luck but he took the whole thing and my leftovers down (he's Irish, 14 inches taller then me and over double the weight). Anyway at some point very close to the shot taking he asked if he could get a hug. One of the biggest complaints he had about his wife (who he really didn't say that much negative stuff about) was her lack of affection. Sure I figured this was a good sign and as the huge broke I can honestly say I'm not sure who or how started the making out, but I certainly didn't mind it.
And so elevator and I are here around midnight in some random snazzy bar embraced and way buzzed. Things were going well. Then they got better... next we drove to one of our companies competitor offices where he used to work and continued the smooch session on the lawn (upright don't get any ideas...just yet at least). The security truck scared him away so he asked if I thought we should go back to his barren apartment and sober up. Sounded like a great idea to me. I think I knew in the back of my mind with my car still at the office if we went to his place I wasn't going back to my car for a while and frankly I was OK with that.
Back at the apartment of the soon to be divorced elevator man, furniture was barely existent. We took the spiral staircase to the loft with his air mattress, which I noted had sheets with roses (he told me these were bears and big fish). The outfit seemed at this point to be a big hit, and looked almost as good on the floor and it had on me. Elevator was highly complimentary telling me I was beautiful and commenting on how small my stomach was. However, he was super nervous. So my guess was that he hadn't hooked up with anyone other then his wife for 12 years of marriage plus I think about 4-5 years of being together for that. It's so much fun to be the first woman in a while! What was very cute was that he was Super nervous that night. The next morning not as much but he actually told me he was really nervous. It's also interesting to me how I tend to attract the most affectionate and cuddly guys on earth. We fell asleep in the most wrapped up embrace ever.
So although there was some illicit activity I was well behaved and there's no risk of pregnancy. I have to say I was highly tempted but I don't delve into that sort of thing on the first date. Great chemistry though, really amazing kisser and what a hot body! 2 thumbs up all around. The next morning he gave me a shirt to wear with the extra Capri's I had on me, and of course the 4 inch patent leather heels form the night before. That was fun to jump out of his car in my office parking lot the next morning in. We rode back to the office and he held my hand the whole way and kissed me goodbye in the office parking lot. Later that afternoon he emailed me just to say hi and that he had a lot of fun and to have a good weekend. I spend since then convinced that he was going to freak out and decide he wasn't ready for this...
Not that I really know what this is....anyway tonight I was pleasantly surprised to get an email telling me he had gone to the beach with his kids, and was sitting in traffic and wanted to say hi and see how my weekend was. good sign I suppose. We emailed back once more and I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow. I am still kinda convinced he's going to freak out but on the other hand he did promise me that boat ride. I asked in my return email if he was up for a walk tomorrow, and plan to have some snacks on hand. Very interested to see where if at all this goes this week. So that's the long awaited story of the seduction of elevator man. I have to say I am VERY pleased with myself. I really saw this effort through all the way. If at all, it was one hot night (and morning)....
More details to follow. Also this evening in between elevator emails I had initial phone conversations with this weeks new additions. Engineer and IT guy. Had over an hour conversations with each one and tentative plans to meet IT guy already this week. It's a tiring life, but someones gotta do it.
Sweet Dreams All. More to come!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Last weeks dating rejects, breaking and entering, and luscious lips!

Good Evening All,
I'm going to try and get back in the habit here of updating you folks regularly on the chronicles of my free meals, and other various escapades in the land of wacky dating. Such fun I must say I'm having. When I had a boyfriend - I paid for everything. It's about time I get some free meals!
So last week was a hectic week all around in dating world. Three dates I believe in a week! Bachelors number 1, 2, and 3, took their places in my week, and then I sent them back in their own lives. Not in any rude way. I just drop out of communication. Well one of these situations was out of my control, in quite the entertaining fashion. Not to worry a genuine email will follow. Something about these surgeons I guess.
So Bachelor number One Hedge Fund Guy, who I may have mentioned in an earlier post, met me for dinner a few towns away. Another one of those scenes out of Clueless when our eyes met from across the way and we both clicked our cell phones shut. We decided upon a drink before dinner, and a walk to check out some of the local restaurants. I had been really hoping to try this French place that had a very reasonable steak frites as part of a mid week prix fix (this was a Monday). However, I was informed by hedge fund guy (whose Uncle owns the hedge fund so his position is clearly a case of nepotism) that you have to be in a certain mood for French food. Actually I think I was in that mood, but apparently he was not so to Asian Fusion we went. While this one actually had a very full head of hair, his stories of how when his parents divorced he went to boarding school for yuppies (actually sounded like that place Dr. Phil send rich kids with problems) and didn't keep in touch with anyone, bored and alarmed me. One thing that is a red flag to me is not having enough friends. After all no need for a cling on. Dinner was relatively uneventful except for the fact he went to the mens room 3 x during it. A case of nerves? Not sure. I was off with a huge and one of those this was fun I'd love to see you again. A follow up call later in the week was easily brushed off with life's busy I'll be in touch. However, I wasn't. Too many things going on...
Which leads me to Bachelor number two surgeon, not to be confused with our favorite former flame, oral surgeon. After calling to tell me he'd be late, which wasn't an issue for me we met up in my town. He was already there when I pulled in standing next to his grey BMW, which he had told me he wasn't sure who paid for his mom or his brother. His mom you see, though he was 26 was still funding his life, and dictating his finances. As long as he continued to get a good education (at this point he had a college degree, was an MD, had a PhD, and was doing a super fellowship at an Ivy League affiliated hospital) she would support him. Let me guess I asked him on our one phone conversation prior to the date, your mom doesn't like anyone you date huh? How did you know he replied. You should have been a psychologist. And you my friend, should be earmarked as having a potential MIL from hell!
Back to the date, surprisingly he looked better in person than his picture. His hair was reasonably intact yet the potential for thinning in the middle and on the sides was clearly evident. Conversation flowed for three hours as we saw outside, and then decided to go for drinks. It wasn't that flirty but I was having fun so I figured let's continue. There's free drinks to be had (on his mom of course). After our second drink, I could tell he was a little buzzed so we went to walk in this dark park near where I lived for a while. While he was less arrogant then I expected for a surgeon, he didn't seem that mature in a way of having real life experience. I guess that's what happens when mommy dearest pays for everything! Still not tired, we decided to venture to the nearest city to a club and both had some pama martinis. Clearly not used to the drinking (being so busy studying, and operating) we decided to take another walk this time right up the road to my parents condo complex. After parking his car near the clubhouse we walked around and I decided it was a nice night to stick my feet in the pool. Only problem was it's private property and there was a huge iron fence. No problem for the tall doctor. He hoisted me over the fence and then jumped over himself and I dipped my feet in while we continued chattering away.
I wasn't really getting necessarily an overly romantic vibe though he was cute and nice, and by this time it was nearly 2 AM (we had met at 7:30 PM) so we decided to head back to my car, which was parked at the initial restaurant. When we got there we hugged goodbye he gave me a peck on the lips, and then I'm still not sure how but it turned into like a 45 minute make-out session. I didn't feel any huge sparks but I wasn't repulsed and I hadn't anything more interesting to do at the time. After a while not being from the area, and living about 45 minutes away he asked if I would mind if he crashed on my COUCH. I figured that he was harmless so I let him follow me back home. I told him he could stay in the guest room, and he asked me to keep him company for a bit. I went upstairs and changed into my most unsexy outfit of shorts and a t-shirt and a little more kissing later he tried to stick his hand up the short. I slapped it, being on my best behavior to which he responded "But I'm a breast surgeon, have you ever had a thorough exam?"
"Yes, I do annually and last time I heard, I was in good shape, and I don't need surgery" I retorted. That was the end of that and we somehow (though I normally am not a fan of sleeping next to someone) managed to fall asleep next to him. Must have been the wine/rum/vodka. At around 5 AM I woke up and went to my own room and the next morning he was gone. He sent me an email saying he had fun, and that I sure make out a lot on the first date - just kidding. Well actually I guess I did, but so did he. We made plans for the following Sat. Each day leading up till then he emailed me. On that Thursday (last week) I got an email asking what we were doing Sat and that he had stolen me scrubs from the hospital YAY. Eight hours later before I had a chance to respond to the first email I got this email.
I’m sorry…. I can’t make on Saturday.
After I got back home tonight and unpack my stuff I saw my ex’s pictures. I realized I miss her so much…. I feel shamed because I was hurt and try to find rebound from all the dating sites. I emailed and called her. Finally, she agrees that we will work on our relationship!
I have to stop all the connection with all my dates, and hope you understand…
I’m sorry…. I can’t make on Saturday.
After I got back home tonight and unpack my stuff I saw my ex’s pictures. I realized I miss her so much…. I feel shamed because I was hurt and try to find rebound from all the dating sites. I emailed and called her. Finally, she agrees that we will work on our relationship!
I have to stop all the connection with all my dates, and hope you understand…
Ps, don’t have to write back to me or call. You are a good girl and good luck to you!
Pretty poor grammar for a surgeon, don't you think? Anyway I am pretty pissed I wasn't able to get the scrubs but my friend said it would be in poor taste to just email and ask for them. Don't really care about the guy but I was kinda bummed about not getting my snazzy scrubs. Anyway not having much luck with surgeons. The first one wanted his money back, the second one's mom paid (though I did tease him about this in an email and he claimed he used his own credit card, his moms was the platinum, he paid with the regular) Clearly not the greatest loss.
The last date in the line up was last Monday with almost MBA. We had been talking for a while now and I barely remembered what his pic looked like so I was surprised when he got out of his car at the restaurant we met at by my office with a shiny gold watch, a blingy gold bracelet, and matching necklace. We started with drinks during which I went to the ladies room and encountered 4 other woman all single, and on dates with people they weren't into, and we exchanged numbers. I think Almost MBA found it interesting when I emerged from the bathroom and said I had to give out my number to a few ladies before I got back to him. Might as well make some new friends...while he was a very nice guy, and definitely also WAY into his mother (though I didn't see her name on his charge card) the physical attraction was just not there for me. At dinner he told me I had luscious lips. I suppose this was an indication he was interested in exploring them further. Not part of the deal there, no matter how yummy the Hibachi was (and it was yummy). I got out seamlessly in enough time to go home and watch my soap.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Elevator Chronicles: MYSTERY SOLVED!!!

Good Evening All,
I apologize for my long absence though I hope it's worth the wait. After two long months of fading into the background as my elusive email pen pal, elevator and I finally took our long awaited walk! Elevator and I had been having some IM conversations and with work entering into a crunch time I've been at the office a little more. I bit the bullet last week and imed him during the day and said when are we going walking. We agreed to meet at the same elevator we originally met at. For 45 minutes we walked and chatted and bantered, and so many things were brought up, however still not the answer to the question. As our walk came to an end I figured I'm just going to have the bite the bullet and ask.
The topic had transitioned to cleaning woman and as I mentioned that I might give up cable, and even electricity I wouldn't ever give up my cleaning woman. He had said he was interested in getting on so I said with that new addition on your House you must have a lot of space to clean right?
"Well...not exactly he trailed off. I'm kinda not living there anymore. I'm in an apartment now. I'm in the process of getting divorced."
And so there it is folks that answer we've all been waiting for. However, wait there's more. Behind door number 2 is that's right folks two young children 3 and 5! Now clearly he didn't want me to know any of this cause he's spent the last 2 months completely avoiding the topic. As we entered back into the office I offered him one of the chocolates I had brought in from the weekend. We had several times discussed our mutual love of sweets. He told me to follow him back to his office and showed me pics of the kids (super adorable) and we chatted a bite more. I said I was jealous he had a private office and he told me I could come over and hang out or use it whenever I like.
Now the following day or maybe the next day, he imed me first and asked when we could walk but our schedules just wouldn't align so that didn't work. However, I told him I could drop by his office quickly and he obliged. Once inside he mentioned he had to get on a call with his boss so I said I would leave and he told me not to worry about it dialed in and then muted the call so we could continue to chat. This surprised me a little bit. I ended up hanging out again in his office during the call, until he needed to take a one on one call for about 45 minutes. A few days later another IM session ensued and the banter seemed to go borderline flirty as we talked about his boat and how I couldn't swim, and would prefer a red life jacket. He told me he had no idea where to find one so I googled it and sent him the link telling him I expected one. Then he mentioned that he thought I looked good in red, and said he had liked my outfit from the other day.....
So now that I know he's in the process of divorce the question is why? An interoffice affair? Wife catching him emailing strange woman he doesn't know all hours of the night? The whole kid factor throws a damper in things. However, he's hot, high up and has a boat so my plan of action is to let the flirting continue and hope for at the last an invite on the boat. I'm not feeling this as a real potential dating situation at all, but a little banter never hurt anyone!
Tomorrow I'll be in the office so we'll see if a walk with by in the cards. I may even wear red...
Stay tuned for that and so many more stories to catch up on that I'll be posting over the next few days including last weeks date with hedge fund guy, Sat night's date with surgeon, a new guy, and tomorrow nights date with Almost MBA.
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