Remember that younger man I was telling you all about. Just three years my junior, but still a bit strange to me. We actually went out Sunday night. After chatting by phone a few times, he said he wouldn't mind driving to come take me to dinner. Younger Man lives a state away and a good 2 hours plus, but would be at the other end of the state for the weekend visiting family so we agreed to meet. When I found out the place I initially wanted to go was closed I googled restaurants in the next town and came across one that looked like a regular nice Italian restaurant. I printed out two sets of directions and headed out to the commuter parking lot in that town to meet him, so he could follow me. My only concern was that the restaurant was nearby this large 55+ complex in the town, and I was hoping it wasn't somehow associated with that. However, the website didn't list any affiliation and I figured it would have mentioned if that was the case.
I got out of my jeep and saw younger man walking towards me. He was a cute kid, His hair was lighter than the pictures and at his ripe young age he still had all of it. Check mark one in place! I explained that I was hoping this place had nothing to do with this weird senior complex , which is almost like it's own town and he very politely offered to look it up on his navigation system. He told me I could follow him as it came right up.
Then the scavenger hunt began. We traveled about seven minutes through very residential areas until we came upon this little separate area that seriously doesn't even seem like it's part of the actual town we were in. Quite nice condos and homes adorned a whole neighborhood, complete with its own library, store, gardens etc. I only know this because we took quite the tour. Several times as he glances at me in his rear mirror and motioned to pull over we had seen signs for this place but no matter where we turned it was nowhere to be found. He even asked a man walking out of his condo where it was and he had no idea. Luckily his system and the number and unluckily even the people who worked at this place couldn't figure out how to explain it. As I continued to follow him I was extremely embarrassed this guy had driven over 60 miles to meet me in the next town only to find out I hadn't a clue where this place was I clearly selected at the last minute.
Finally after what was at least 25 minutes we came across another sign and then entered...a country club. I panicked as the restaurant had looked pretty standard on the web page. He was wearing shorts, and I a skirt, but still. Would we even be able to go in, or was it members only? As we are seating outside on a beautiful patio literally in the middle of a gorgeous gold course, the waitress hands us the menus and then I see entrees are around $30 each. I felt horrible. I have to say younger guy was extremely polite, well mannered and entirely unfazed by all of this craziness. There we were clearly junior to the rest of the patrons by 60 years or so sitting outside on this damp, but beautiful patio at this insanely pricey restaurant. Not to worry he told me I ordered a chicken dish that ran on the lower end of the prices and to the GA man's dismay a nice glass of red wine.
Unfortunately for all of you the humor in this date ended after the wild goose chase to find the place. Dinner was nice, relaxed, and conversation flowed. I didn't feel any kind of particular flirty connection but there was a lot of requisite first date details to get out, so no worried. If he calls again I'd go out again, and if not I wouldn't lose sleep over it. After all this was one fine meal, that after telling him about oral surgeon he promised he wouldn't ask to be reimbursed for.
In other updates Sunday afternoon I received an email from fratboy1 who has resurfaced again. He wanted to let me know he was closing on his new place on Monday and had been busy but hoped I'd been enjoying the weather, and that I had a great weekend. Not sure what his deal is but whatever. I congratulated him and moved on. Almost MBA and I chatted by phone a few times last week. Still no plans to meet but perhaps in the coming weeks. As saddened as I am to report no walk yet with elevator man. Looking at his calendar for work he's swamped with meetings usually lasting into the evenings every single night. I will be in the office tomorrow and hope to hear from him as I will surely keep everyone posted.
Night All!
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