Welcome back to some wild and crazy stories and I do apologize for my several month absence. Life gets hectic, the economy threatens jobs (still have one thank goodness!) but don't worry the wackos have not ceased from my life. So much to catch you all up on here. As shocking as this may seem given my normal two date, and then toss out rule- I am about to introduce you all to Physical Therapist we'll call him PT for short, though at over 6 feet he was not short, at least not in height ;-). Anyway I digress. PT and I met up on the same weekend that I met the guy I got served raw chicken with at the same restaurant that the infamous oral surgeon and I went to dinner at. I had seen two similar pics, and he looked good-looking but when he got out of the car, I was shocked because he was much hotter in person. As we all know it's quite rare I say that. Once inside the restaurant he asked to sit next to me, and as long as I could look at him I could have cared less where we sat.
Dinner was pretty normal, and the vibe was definitely there. It seemed unique though that he loved his plain dinner of grilled chicken and steamed veggies so much he decided to order another one. That's right a complete additional meal, not to eat at home (which was in Long Island- should have been a sign!) Ok the guy was really hot so I figured I would let the dinner thing go. In addition to being a PT, he also worked around L.I as a Personal Trainer (hmm another PT) and people actually paid him $150 an hour! No he did not tell me this on the first date- that's right there's more. After dinner I had suggested we play pool , but PT was fascinated by the area so he wanted to drive around. I was hoping that meant park and make-out but literally he seemed to want to drive around. He kept asking if I could find a body of water and we parked and chatted. This being the first night we met he started in with those, "I haven't felt this connected to someone in so long, and blah blah things". All right let's get on with the making out- and then in the parking lot of the golf course we did. He was a pretty good kisser, but his body I must say was unbelievable!
The date went so well we made plans to hang out the two nights later and met at a book store. Right away before we went in he hinted that he'd rather go for a ride and explore again. He kept asking the guy at the bookstore if there was a body of water nearby and at this point I became concerned maybe he wanted to kill me and dump the body, though speaking of bodies - I hadn't seen much of his hot one yet so I decided to take the risk and go for a drive with him. As we meandered along a road in a town neither of us was familiar with we passed a church, which he slowed down at. I mentioned that I thought he was almost about to pull into the church and to which he responded that was a good idea ( not sure I was suggesting) and pulled right in, no sooner did he pull in there did he seem to want to pull in elsewhere. All of the sudden we were stretched out across his not so large vehicle with closes being pushed around. 2nd date was not going there, although I did go somewhere, and I definitely had no qualms about ditching his shirt, or my own for that matter.
Soon we were talking daily and he decided the following weekend he wanted to come to my place. Knowing that I would have no resistance of we were alone here I was a little cautious, but then I thought if Sex and the City (which I don't watch but presume) doesn't hold out much past the first date, third is pretty status quo right?
So you've seen those ice skating competitions I'm sure where they rate you on technical proficiency and artistic performance right? Keep that in mind and trust me we'll get back to it a little later. Date night comes and we hang out here, and when I say hang out I mean literally talk and talk sitting on the couch for hours until I am so hungry I can't stand it. Well we decide thankfully to go out in a torrential downpour and shockingly enough he orders chicken, no pasta at all on the side and some steamed veggies, and he does it again- orders the same meal and eats it. Now not only does he not do dessert (reason for dining) but he doesn't drink- ANYTHING (reason for living). This I find to be almost but not quite (still working with the whole hot as hell thing) a deal breaker. While at the restaurant an grandpa age guy asked I was waiting for someone, so thinking he meant another couple I said no, and then he looked at PT and said good cause one day she's going to be done with you and then I'm taking her. It was funny the first time as they say but the third time he came over to our table and put his hand on PT's shoulder and asked if we were bored together yet it was a bit much.
So back to the house
for some more talking and finally as the evening progressed we meandered upstairs. Now the ice skating thing comes into play. While it wasn't bad by any means it was like he felt the harder and quicker he moved the more proficient. However, as I found out as this continued (to his credit he could go 3x in a row thankfully) there was absolutely no creativity. However Mr. hot body was very physically agile. All in all it kept me entertained but wasn't the most scintillating of all possibilities.

And so we continued actually for six full dates, him trekking from L.I. and the end of the sleigh bed banging against the wall. Twice daily meals of grilled chicken, along with mini-golf, apple picking and some other kinda relationshippy things. However, here's some of the odd stuff. A few times he wouldn't remove his shirt because he was cold. Come on you have enough muscle to keep you warm buddy? Another time we were at a restaurant and he wanted something steamed in addition to his chicken, which by the way Mr. healthnut drank with diet coke- soda not too healthy, and he actually asked the restaurant if they make their own rice? Like do you have a rice paddy with underpaid workers outside the door? Too odd. However, as odd as he was, at least he was nice to look at, very consistent with the communication and always willing to come to me.
After about a month and a half I departed for a vacation I had scheduled for a while. I didn't hear from him, which seemed odd and then called him and he told me he hadn't wanted to bother me since he knew I was visiting friends. After that conversation he called regularly, even calling to make sure I made it home ok. When it came time to get together the following weekend he had a cold so he said he would come during the week. We spoke daily and then one day he vanished shortly after I returned home from vaca. There were really no signs, no hints, it just happened- still unsure why. I wasn't really that upset. Long-term I couldn't deal with the grilled chicken, shirt on, jackhammer for that long.
Ever since then it's been back to the one date wonder rule. After one date, they wonder why there's never a second in the cards- more to follow on that.
Sweet and Saucy dreams all!
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