Good Evening All,
Last night was the beginning of this weeks line up with IT guy. Actually he's kind of like a consultant/ sales/ explainer person but IT guy is much easier to type. As he should he agreed to meet me right in the town I live so it was nice and convenient for me. I like it. He called and told me he was running late, which contrary to some people I could care less about. I had just run in from a devious mani/ pedi appt, and all day lounging at a pool pretending to work, and wanted to put my feet up, again! Back to the mani/ pedi for a moment. So this nice little Asian man was doing my feet and apparently all he could say to communicate was yes manicure and pedicure. Well first he starts massaging my feet and since I am insanely ticklish I am hysterically laughing. People are staring at this point, and if that isn't bad enough once he stops with the feet he squirts some oil on my legs and literally starts slapping them so hard it's out of control. The entire spa is seriously staring at me and my friend is hysterical. I didn't know what to do. He was as elevator said when I told him the story clearly living out some weird fantasy.
OK so back to the date he looked enough like his pictures- over 6 feet, nice full head of hair. Wearing shorts and a button down (no long coats) we'll get to the capes later...Actually there's not much to report as he was nice, smart, seemed emotionally stable, and paid attention to previous discussions we had had asking insightful questions. I tried my first sushi (only veggie with sweet potato) and we had a yummy meal complete with a few lychee martinis for me (if you haven't indulged please don't hesitate SO good!). Conversation flowed nicely. We started talking about exes and dates and he asked me what my last ex did wrong. "Nothing. He was just boring" I replied. I told him I cannot be attracted to people without whom I have that witty flirty banter. While I wasn't feeling it with him initially I guess I'd give him a second chance. He already sent the next day email saying he wanted to see me again. I really couldn't find anything wrong with him so I will try and be open minded. Now some of my friends are insisting I am not into him or the other cause I am into elevator. Hmm there may be some truth to that. Why must I always want the unattainable...
So anyway back to the weird date stories. After I finished regaling him with tails of oral surgeon he told me about how he knew a girl who showed up for a date and he was wearing a caper. A CAPE. Was he superman in costume? I guess not. Kinda makes the long coat seem not so freaking weird right? The other story he told was about his friend who had a girl from NJ drive up to meet him at his apartment in NYC. When she called and said she was outside he asked her if she would like to park and come up and she said she didn't feel comfortable. No problem he told her so he came down and she was still in the car. Aren't you going to get out he asked? She still didn't feel comfortable apparently. This went back and forth until finally she agreed to get out, and it turns out she was disabled and had to arm crutches. Now that isn't a big deal except for the fact she lied about it. She then yelled and said you wouldn't have dated me anyway or wanted to meet me, and he responded as I would, that you didn't have enough faith in me to let me make that decision so he said he didn't feel comfortable. He went upstairs and she got back in the car. Hopefully this didn't occur with gas prices as high as they are now. IT himself had a girl yell at him because he was late and literally scream at him in public even though he called. I guess he also said that girls misrepresent their weight a lot in correspondence. I must have been a dream come true :-)
So that's that and we shall see if we make another plan. Tomorrow I am meeting elevator at 7 PM (you heard right a once in a lifetime second date) and we're going possibly on the boat for a little sunset cruise if it's not thundering and then to the casino. I suggested and he seemed pleased. I think I'll be rocking my new black and white cute dress, which should be dressy yet casual enough for the casino. I am bummed that I probably won;t be able to debut the new bikini though. I actually got little string bikinis painted on my big toes (not by the S & M) man. Super cute! So since I am super paranoid I am always convinced that elevator and I won't end up going out but I guess we shall see. Tonight was our first phone call and we exchanged numbers and he called me en route to picking up his kids for the evening, and said he was really looking forward to tomorrow.
Monday we took our walk, and it wasn't awkward at all which was nice. We've been chatting a lot on IM, and Tuesday he told me he was going to blow out of work early for a baseball game and said he wished I could come. I said I probably could jokingly and he calls his friend to see if they had an extra ticket, which they didn't which was fine. So from his blackberry he sent me a total of 59 emails that day from the game, the bar, the subway, and the train home getting flirtier as the night went on. It was basically like iming over email. Thursday when we were chatting on IM he told me he was really distracted during the day by last week, and not wanting to be presumptuous I asked about what and he said hmm it has to do with you so I said good distraction or bad distraction to which he replied good. Then I had to do it and asked if he was freaking out. So he replies no. You know my situation and I'm not freaking out just hoping I treated you OK enough. I told him I wasn't shy and I would let him know so he seemed relived with that. So I am still of course not convinced anything is coming of this until a few more outings occur if they do, but so far I must admit he's my favorite. We definitely have chemistry, and he's really sweet.
So stay tuned for tales from the casino, and perhaps (hopefully) another (respectable) overnight :-)
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