Good Evening All,
Well as a shocking addendum to my bitchy post yesterday it worked out in the end! Elevator emailed me saying that he should have his kids back to their mom around 8 and still wanted to do something if I was free. We had talked about the casino but it seemed like it might be too late to get that started so I said I could drive up his way or he could come down here and he said he'd come down here. He kept writing email after email though saying are you sure that's OK, and then just as I'd cleaned up my house said he really did want to go to the casino so I was to meet him up by our office which is half way to the casino from my house.
I emailed back that I would throw on my dress and be all set to go. I also packed my contacts and a change of clothes because being that we wouldn't make it to the casino until 10 at the earliest there was no way I was going to be driving home. I called him on my way up and he said he was psyched to go so I flew up so quickly I beat him to the commuter parking lot. I was so unsure what the deal would be, and if it would be like we had never hooked up or if it was a date or who knows. You know me always over analyzing everything, and nothing. Anyway I stepped into his car and the first thing he did was give me a nice kiss on the lips and tell me that I looked beautiful, which was very sweet. I guess I made a good choice on my new black and white strappy dress. Anyway he was dressed very nicely and told me that he'd brought a long a sports jacket too because he thought I'd like that. When we pulled into valet parking we looked very snazzy getting out together.
On the way up we mainly talked about his kids, wife, and the divorce drama. His wife had implied that she had gone on a date and he was telling me about that. I said the best thing he could do was to hook her up and get her remarried so he could save on alimony, which he agreed with me on. I do hope he sees a lawyer because he's so bent on not pissing her off to risk any problems with getting as much visitation with his kids as possible, he's in some ways letting her take advantage I think. Anyway upon arrival at the casino he asked if I wanted to go to the martini bar (hmm like that took a lot of pondering) We somehow managed the best seat in the house overlooking the whole casino. It was the perfect spot. Somewhere in between martinis he started holding my hand and continued to the entire time we were drinking. We never played any slots, but I did spend two hours at the poker table with 75 he gave me to spend and 40 of my own. I only lost my own 40 (gave him back his $$) and that's pretty good for that duration of time at 15 + a hand minimum. I think he was impressed. Somewhere along the way he ordered me some red wine, which contributed significantly to this hang over I've been nursing all day.
So the night gets a little foggy here because I know I was really drunk while I was playing poker, I do recall making out in some area of the casino and him telling me to stop getting him so excited in the casino. Now I also recall a conversation involving the topic of condoms, but not sure exactly where that went, and me with my rant about how I don't do one night stands (which is true!). Somewhere I also found out he had not been with anyone aside from his wife I think it had been like 15 years. Around 3:30 AM we decide to leave the casino and go back to his place. I was definitely still really buzzed but sober enough to carry on a conversation I don't recall any of ;-) So back at his place somehow we took our places back on that festive air mattress, and the clothes found their places back on the floor. And then yes folks, somehow along the way we went all the way.
So let me start by saying this is totally not "me" behavior as my sister pointed out. I mean although I was very much into it, and the prime initiator of this mornings bonus round it's just very unlike me to have sex with someone I'm not in an established relationship with. I was OK with it at the time but I think am definitely second guessing and doing my usual freaking out like oh my god if this turns into a one night stand I'm not going to be able to handle it. I haven't heard from him today and of course that freaks me out, though knowing that I got home at 9 and got 3 additional hours of sleep bringing my grand total to maybe 5 hours, while he was out watching his kids all day - makes me think maybe he went to bed early.
What was particularly cute about last night/ this morning is again how nervous he was, and how he always tells me. I mean I can't blame the dude, first time with someone new in like 15 years. I must say I do feel kinda honored. Oh and don't let me forget the best news of all! He's fixed! There's nothing that says immediate turn on then there's no way in hell I'm getting pregnant - that was the bonus luck! All in all assuming this is more then a one night stand (which I would aim for a hot summer fling) I don't have regrets. My grandmother told me after I was filling her in (no not on any of the intimate parts) that it's not easy being a step mom. I was like seriously I think we're getting WAY ahead of ourselves here. So funny. Meanwhile my thinking is that being the first person he's dated or whatever our deal is after his wife I am kinda like the rebound chick. My only expectations really are that he's respectful enough to keep this going for at least a few weeks to a month. Then I think I could morally live with it a lot better.
In any event I'm quite curious to see if he contacts me on IM tomorrow. I'm working in the AM and then heading an hour East for a summer fun pool party for my team, which I would love for him to meet me after. He had mentioned he thought he could do that but not sure if he remembers. So only time will tell who if anyone is freaking out besides me, and what will happen next.
By the way being as hungover as I am I still had another date tonight with the engineer. We really have nothing in common and I wasn't attracted to him but I kind of want to fix him up with my friend who I think he'd hit it off better with. Is that rude? I think after going out once it isn't that bad. I can't keep juggling all these people it's highly exhausting! Engineer and I went to shoot pool, and then to dinner and the biggest event of interest was when his car wouldn't start but luckily that problem resolved itself. It did feel kinda weird after spending the night with elevator to be out with this guy, but at least I got another good meal ;-)
So I think it's time for some much deserved rest! I'll update tomorrow hopefully on what happens next. Any thoughts? Please give me some feedback.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and sweet dreams!
1 comment:
See, I told you to cut him some slack, and it sounds as if you did..lol.
have fun, don't worry...about anything.
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