Good Evening All,
Beach day has come an gone. Sorry to disappoint but that's not us at the beach it's actually a bunch of random people in the UK who had just won some type of tai kwan do tournament. While I didn't participate in it, or win anything except some really burnt skin, I thought it was representative of some freezing cold water. More on that later...
So Fratboy 1 showed up at my house promptly at the early hour of 9:30 AM and we drove down to meet my sister and company. For EIGHT hours we hung out, listened to music (which other people actually brought not to worry). In fact speaking of the music I can't leave out the part about how we listened to old school 90s salt n' peppa while heading down to the beach in a minivan. Fratboy1 didn't know what he was in for. During beach time there was the requisite slathering of sunscreen, clearly not nearly enough since not one but 45 people in my department said "wow you look like you really got a lot of sun this weekend!" you think?
So after I spent an hour trying to eat a hamburger that seemed like while it would be a delicacy for a canine, I found it to be an atrocity, the day went on. And on we went to the mini golf course. On the way I asked fratboy 1 so what should we wager to wish he replied he had a lot of thoughts but wasn't sure which one to say...I told him how about you make it PG 15 and a half but the wager was never revealed....or was it. You'll just have to keep reading to find out. So I lost. My game was not on I must say so sad but true. As we headed back from a day of lotion rubbing and sun burning I wondered what was ahead. As usual I never could have predicted it.
Two minutes after parting from my sister she calls my cell while fratboy1 and I are riding back to my place, and asks if she's on speakerphone. Why, I ask? And no you're not. We really liked him she said. He had passed the sister approval zone. Few ever do...As we return to my house there's a trailer in my driveway- no I don't live in the Midwest my new roommate, and consequently a new character dentist has come to move in. Not to be confused with oral surgeon, dentist actually does hail from the mid-west or is it just the west. Not sure I think they're both kind of weird. So will you once I continue. Dentist is actually on his way out to grab some food when we arrive so we head in and fratboy1 repeats that he feels so bad about me being all burned. At this point we're alone and I'm curious where things will go. Oh so curious!
"it may sound kinda strange but maybe you'd feel better if you took a cold bath" he said
"are you coming?" I said? He didn't mention leaving and I didn't want to be rude and leaver him out in the hall
"sure he said we can wear our swimsuits"
"ummm ok" I said and hmm I thought. This was not what I expected. Now let me stop here and regroup. I guess I'm just not used to the whole stand up gentleman thing. Not just that- I think I kinda like it. But I just don't really know what to do with it. I figure it's OK we'll still be alone in the tub, hopefully they'll be another kiss in the future. I light a candle grab two bottle of Kahlua pre-mixed mudslides and we slide on in.
"so what was it I lost in the bet earlier? you never mentioned" I tossed out
"PG 15.5 he thought aloud" and then it happened
"well would you take your top off" my top was the sink's new best friend as it got tossed in almost before the end of the sentence. Now we were getting somewhere. Cute guy, topless girl...time to work some magic. Or was it? The chatting continued and while the there was definitely body contact we were still at PG 12. I started to move a little closer and finally it happened. He told me there was something in my eye. Was there? I'm not sure honestly but who cares...
And then he kissed me.
And then we heard my roommate loud and clear 2 feet away making lamb chops. Foiled again.
Outside we went in my beach dress and his swim trunks. We all had dinner together. Shortly after sitting on the couch post dinner I felt that it was a little damp and asked fratboy1 if he was sure he didn't want any pants to change into since it appeared his suit was still a little damp. He politely declined saying that he didn't even feel like his suit was damp.
And then everything turned into a blur as dentist said "hey are you wearing any underwear"?
Fratboy 1 looked at me, i looked back, he looked at the dentist the dentist looked at him, this was one unexpected twist. "yes, actually I am" fratboy1 cautiously offered.
"well that's why your suit is still damp" dentist seemingly rationally explained. Ok so now I'm sitting here in my dress, coincidental the only one in the room (well i wasn't sure and was glad not to know about the dentist) not wearing any underwear (took the wet swimsuit off and hadn't been upstairs yet) yet the male dentist is inquiring about the fratboy1's underwear? I told you the whole West thing just not that normal.
Shortly after when inquiring why I didn't realize I would burn so much, dentist asked me if i smoked a lot of pot"umm no" I said "why?"
"well because that's the only explanation I can think of for how a person wouldn't know they'd burn this much"
I could think of a few others, but I choose to keep quiet. Seriously dentist seems like a nice guy, a little too open with the wacko questions though. In trying to come up with a plan for how to help the sunburn post bath dentist suggested Aloe. This almond scented body velvet cream two bitches at work had given me a few years back (yes I did mean to say bitches that's a story for another time) was bound to do the trick. The dentist said it had healing ingredients in it and then told fratboy1 he needed to rub it all over my body.

Yet, dentist didn't leave the room. So here I am on the love seat with the guy rubbing lotion on my back, my legs and 2 feet away is the dentist chatting us up. It had been 13 hours together now for fratboy1 and I and when dentist finally went upstairs to shower (not sure if underwear was optional for this and I really don't care) fratboy1 said he needed to go home. He wanted to stay he said and offered too if i didn't feel safe with dentist. However, since dentist hadn't inquired about my undergarment status I figured I was safe, and walked outside with him.
A few hugs, and I had a great times later, complete with a peck on the lips fratboy1 was off. He said he would call me later and he did. It was a magically fun and highly entertaining day. The question is when will it repeat. Soon I hope. This non-frog just may not belong on this blog....we'll see if he calls tonight!
omg those are 2 wild stories. first off i can not believe that the new roommate was so open and forward with some of his questions. Fratboy1 sounds like a very decent nice gentlemen. I also can't believe you ran into elevator guy and have a date set up to walk with him next thursday this should be an interesting day and story to come out of that.
I don't know...but I think the dentist is really a hairdresser in disguise...lol
good stories...so far, fratboy1 sounds like a winner...and I mean that in a positive way.
I want more!!! =)
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