Good Evening All,
Judging from the warning you're in for a treat because I have a story to last night was the planned dinner with Frat Boy 1. We met at an Asian place and were graced by the presence of our waitress "Fun". I know I usually don't use real names here but how could I leave her out of it. Fun suggested I get a martini, and Frat Boy 1 settled in with some vodka and tonic. I knew he wasn't messing around. I didn't know whether we would be though. Dinner conversation flowed well, the drinks kept flowing and we were having a great time. Fun kept us highly entertained and engaged and when the check came I offered to pay, not of course wanting to seem selfish as oral surgeon had pronounced me. He declined and said that I could pay for the ice cream we were planning to get if it made me feel better. So far I have not received any word asking me for his half of the money back. However, the situation differs a little here. More on that in a bit.
We traveled back to the next town (where I live) and he graciously offered to drive us to the ice cream place. Perhaps he was alarmed watching me drive over. We settled back into his car with our ice cream and he remarked that he wished we could watch the sunset. Hmmm I thought that's pretty different but OK. The ice cream started melting but the desire to continue to hang out wasn't so when Frat Boy 1 asked what we were going to do next since he wasn't ready to go home I was at a loss. "It's 9:30 PM on a Monday night in the suburbs" I told him. "Nothing will be open. I guess we can go back to my house, though the cleaning woman hasn't come this week and sit in my living room" Word for word folks this is what I said.
I did have mixed feelings about inviting him over as I wasn't sure if it implied anything. Granted I hadn't yet figured out if I wanted to imply anything. We were having a really good time. He wasn't wearing a long coat, no major incidents had happened. Back at my place I gave the tour of just the main floor, and he spent a decent amount of time bonding with my cat, running around the house getting her to chase a stuffed banana. I'll pause here to give people time to snicker....
As the night grew on, and a bottle of wine got polished off he asked if I had any music. Here's where the problems started. I don't. I know this sounds really strange but other then playing the piano books, and the radio in my car I was at a loss. Not wanting to see incredibly odd I told him to hang out and I would be right back. I ran up to my room and started fishing for anything. This is when I came across them- the two CD's I apparently owned. Volumes 1 & 2 of Broadways hits.
If this wasn't bad enough I swear I don't even own a CD player. Outside of the car those who know me know that I do not listen to music. I'm too busy with the phone attached to my ear. No problem I thought. I know my company laptop has the ability to play CD's. I brought in down and explained the limited choices while pressing countless buttons trying to figure out how to get a CD into the laptop. It was at that moment I came across a Josh Groban CD, already loaded in. That was fine he said probably scouring the room looking for the nearest exit. Now my friend who already heard this story earlier, told me she absolutely couldn't believe that Josh Groban didn't instantly make him run, no matter how good my jeans looked on that night. Josh she told me was the kind of music that made guys fall soft, with a quickness. It was all that I had! P.S. based on this incident she's promised me a mixed CD of music that will keep the spirit/ other things up!

"Usually if I want to hear songs I just play them" I explained mortified.
"Play me a song then"
"It's still going to be Broadway" As the sounds of Phantom's "Think of Me" filled the air so did the sexual tension, and upon my last crescendo frat boy one leaned in for the kiss. Ok so maybe I figured that night could be heading this way. It wasn't like we hadn't hooked up before, but I really hadn't an idea what his motivation was in asking me to dinner. Now I did. Quickly the piano bench turned into the couch, which lead to the guest room. My bed wasn't made, and I figured it's safer not to go upstairs.
Earlier in the conversation Frat boy 1 brought up Frat boy 2 (this was awkward). Apparently frat boy 2's wife was having a baby as we were hanging out. All I could think was hmmm I hope you don't remember the entire year he and I were fooling around. Frat Boy 1 also told me that since his divorce he had been having trouble sleeping. Stuff was always in his mind, he just couldn't seem to get his mind to relax.
I imagined back in the guest room it was nearing 3 AM and although I was enjoying the moment, I was so wiped out that relaxing AKA sleep was first on my mind. I needed a plan to not let things get too out of control, and settle down frat boy 1 enough so he didn't ask for his dinner money back the next day ;-) Seriously though I must say that this wasn't a sacrifice on my part, what I had remembered from the bathroom scene years ago was accurate in that Frat boy 1 was some feisty fun!
I actually had asked him earlier if he remembered the first time we kissed, and he said "absolutely, you mean in the bathroom?"
"yea I had never seen someone so turned on by me taking Advil before:
"trust me it wasn't the Advil, it was the skirt" Guess I had forgotten that part. He hadn't.
Silently praising myself for choosing (just in case of course) a matching set under the jeans that elicited more then a few compliments and the token red top, I decided to take get things moving. If I was going to get to sleep I needed to blow his mind, and do it quickly. Figure it out...Well it turns out frat boy 1 was a bit of a screamer. Actually not just a bit, like seriously either he hadn't experienced anything like this in a while, or I was really that good. I know the latter is true so I prefer to think it's a combination of both. With enough of my clothes still on to be better safe then sorry, this fun night in my mind was coming to an end.
But it wasn't. Frat boy 1 who said he was still shaking settled in to the bed and asked if I minded if he slept with his shirt off? Wait a minute I thought. What part of me going to sleep involved you sleeping too? Here, no less? Apparently frat boy 1 was spending the night. The kitty seemed fine with this as she gave up her confusion on why we were in the guest room and settle in between us. He didn't seem to mind. Now in between us is a relative term because there wasn't much room there. See frat boy 1 had pulled me into an embrace that you see on the cover of romance novels. I wasn't prepared here for the whole cuddling thing.
Several times during the night as I lay awake thinking, I can't sleep like this it's hot as hell I moved a little stirring frat boy 1 and he just reeled me in closer. When we awoke to the sound of his cell phone alarm the next morning, he began to run his fingers through my hair as we had somehow settle in a comfortable spoon position. This was unprecedented. It was the kind of affection you expect from more of a 6 month plus relationship. Now another interesting thing was that frat boy 1 didn't try and hook up again in the AM- very interesting. Only having slept an hour myself I told him that I wasn't going into work as there was no way I could get in the car and drive with no sleep. He apologized a lot but I didn't care- I didn't take off from work a lot.
As frat boy one reeled me in again to one of his uber cuddly positions he told me he had just had the strangest dream...
"We were at your parents house" ok stop right here. First of all bringing up my parents when we're in bed is NOT sexy, it's not sane, it's just not OK, I tried to push the thoughts aside as I listened.
"we were dressed like this" also clearly not a normal situation.
"you had two evil older brothers (I have none) and we were in their house and before they came back in the room I wanted to get my pants on( smart idea) but when I looked to grab them there was a snake in them (haha). I kept asking your brothers to help catch the snake so it didn't get into the rest of your parents house but no one would help me. isn't that strange I feel like I'm going to be talking to them one day and be like where's the snake?"
Hmm first of all why would he be talking to my parents? This went along with the whole 6 months plus seriously relationship cuddle fest he had invited me into. I wasn't sure what to make of it all. I'm still not. As he gathered his stuff and headed home to change so he didn't go to work in the same clothes he had been in the day before (head would turn) he gave me a few I'm off to work but will see you later kisses, asked for my cell phone number and said he would talk to me later.
Will he? I suppose we'll have to wait and see. What do you think? In frog world over here I'm not sure if he'll really call, though I wouldn't be averse at all to playing him my new CD when I get it....a good time was had by all!
For those of you wondering if elevator man has revealed the Mrs. yet, still no mention. I got another email yesterday filled with details of his weekend, none of which mentioned her. More questions were asked and since I didn't make it into the office I couldn't suggest a meeting AKA follow up check for the wedding band. I got an email from almost MBA apologizing for not getting back to me sooner and asking if I wanted to talk on the phone sometime. Still emailing lawyer who STILL hasn't asked to meet. Very strange, but my new game will be to make the frogs jump onto my Lilly pad. No more jumping forward first. Makes for much more of an unpredictable game.
And now due to my extreme lack of sleep last night/ this morning I'm signing off so I can enter a new day in the pond refreshed and ready to greet whatever frogs are in the mood to say "rrribit"!

you are too much! No cd player??? At your age, at least an ipod?
and broadway
love it.
no word from elevator man??
omg, that was one crazy evening. Glad it turned out to be good. The dream was a little creepy and i would be freaked out by it to but glad to hear things went well. I want to know if you get a call from him. Did you hear anything else from elevator man? Did fratboy1 ask anythiing about why you dont have many cd's?
OMG!! Even though I was privy to the oral narration ;) of the story-- I still enjoyed the written version. Especially knowing the lead characters I forgot about the shower scene- how I miss college-- my yoni lives vicariously through yours. Did he call?
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