Good Afternoon All,
Apologies for not updating my eager readers sooner with the past few days events. The holiday weekend has proved to be profitable however in updates. I know the suspense is killing you all, as it was me- but folks you'll be relieved to know that elevator man has made a return. Shortly before 10 PM (wonder where the Mrs was then) elevator man sent the first email in quite a few days apologizing because he had been so busy at work. His foot is healing nicely, just a minor limp (so much for asking if he wanted to take a walk during the work day with me). Elevator man said he's off to NH this weekend, notice there's no mention if anyone but him going. Probably visiting his in-laws but he left that part out of the story. Anytime he mentions plans it's always "I'm doing this or I'm doing that". Very strange.
And so the story twists on, knowing I've been on a deadline to get some work to an agent he asked how it was going, and said that he was so hopefully I would get positive feedback and he just felt that part of that would include the agent wanting to see more. Does elevator man want to see more? No one can quite figure it out. Through our emailing he told me he feels he's gotten to know me well enough that he can "extrapolate" so many interesting things from the banter we've had going now for a few weeks after the not really illicit but fleeting meeting in the elevator. He's enjoyed our communication, hopes I'm having a relaxing weekend and looks forward to chatting next week?
So it seems that he's acknowledged (and happily so) that we have this kind of budding email pen pal wacko relationship. Still no mention of the Mrs. We continue to ask ourselves if he's trying for an affair why not take the words off the computer and suggest a meeting? If he's not trying for an affair, why the hell is he emailing me so late @ night and where's the Mrs? Finally, if the Mrs. is out of the picture again why are we still emailing? I'll be asking some pretty specific questions in tomorrows reply email so we'll hope to look forward to another piece of the elevator puzzle on Tuesday night.
In other news, it's been quite eventful, and uneventful as FratBoy 1 is concerned. Not to worry I'll decode my own cryptic vernacular. I believe Tuesday morning was where we last left off, with a kiss goodbye he was off to work, and I was back to bed. To my pleasant surprise he called on Wednesday night (didn't even observe that whole 48 hour rule). We chatted for an hour and a half (pretty good for a guy!). Talks of weekend plans surface and he showed an interest in coming to my sisters beach birthday gathering. This surprised me because while it's not like an official family thing (God forbid all of our sanity my parents will not be in attendance) it's still a group thing for my sisters birthday, which isn't personal but seems like more of a we've been dating for a while kind of thing.
Meanwhile everyone tells me I analyze this stuff too much, now on the other hand if I didn't would we even have the stories to tell? Perhaps I could insert some bullets and just put a line by line recap of the events. Somehow I think my analysis breathes a little extra life into the stories, but you be the judge of that. Anyway back from this tangent as we get off the phone he says he'll call the next night, and doesn't and I don't really make much of this because things do come up (elevators included). Friday (a work from home day for me) he calls during the day in the middle of me putting our five crisis including a NASCAR themed project, relocating the landscaper who promised to bring back some change from the cash I wondered if I should have given him (he brought back merely $1.23) and figuring out a place to take my conference calls while not in the way of the two cleaning woman who unfortunately didn't have time to fold my towels.
In any event I had to call back Fratboy1 and we chatted more both before and after going out. A lot of phone time here which like I said before was very impressive. When the subject of my sisters beach party came up he pretty much committed to coming and then asked if I'd be up for a Sat lunch. So far things were sounding good, we decided since it would be a nice day we'd pick up some food and eat outside. Fratboy1 was prompt in his arrival and we headed to a local restaurant where he picked up the tab for the lunch. After finding a nice gazebo in town to sit and eat at we settled in where he asked about my favorite movies, and what the pinnacle of life would be for me. Career- check, Friends- check, Family- don't get me started (cept sis and Grandma) House- check, Crazy kitty- check, Car is working order -Check (while knocking on wood). Only thing I'm missing is the guy and kids to complete the perfect suburban picture. yes folks I've even got the white picket fence already!
To the playground we went after lunching, and we were swingers for almost 45 minutes though no one else was involved. I forgot how nice it was to rock back and forth in that care free like a kid breeze where the day seems like it's never going to end. More talk about families, having kids, relationships, the end of his, mine, etc but no real physical contact. Now here's where i get confused and perhaps from all of the interactions previously with so many frogs. I'm thinking ok we pretty hardcore hooked up the other night, you slept at my house but not even a kiss? Now it's not bothering me in the I want to make out in the playground in front of other peoples kids way, more like is he or is he not interested?
So we continue on by this lake, which seriously looks like the image below. Laying close to each other on this slab of concrete when I muttered aloud how nice it would be if we had pillows. He returned with two sweatshirts, one which he gallantly rolled into a ball and placed under my head. It wasn't ten minutes later that I scared him half to death, with a look he described as thinking meant a seizure was coming on. Slowly I had felt it slipping when I turned my head towards him as he spoke, yes the sweatshirt had made it's way inadvertently into the muck beneath us. No problem he said and he dove down and retrieved it (shockingly a dry cleaning bill has not made its way to my door yet).

Starbucks was suggested and on we went where a very confused looking newbie asked several times how to make the drinks we ordered, and had a genuine confusion over what a magic bar was. In preparation for a party I was hosting later that evening I mentioned the need to food shop and he said he would come along. So now things are totally backwards in my mind. Right before we enter the supermarket there's this little dispenser with wipes that remind me of what you use for dirty baby butt. I was taking a call at this time (I know poor cell phone etiquette, but someone needed directions for later and I asked!) he took out a few of those wet wipes and started dabbing and my hands, and then dare I saw a little dab traveled down into the cleavage. So, that definitely a sign of flirtation- could there be possibilities, and if so of what? Over in the cracker aisle as I searched diligently for graham crackers, he got a call from Frat Boy 2. He had just brought his baby home from the hospital, and wanted Frat boy 1 to come see it. Awkward --- um yea, for him? Not sure didn't seem to be but he certainly didn't volunteer who he was shopping for graham crackers with. After the call a few playful grabs of the pony tail and a few hugs later we parted ways. He told me to call him and let him know how the party was.
He called me back that night around midnight and I still had some company so he said he's talk to me later. By later I assumed that meant today but since I can't seem to read guy talk at all it turned out it meant almost 2 AM. More chatting about bad dates this time. I told him about oral surgeon and he introduced me to stalker. A girl he'd gone out with twice who called one day to ask if he missed her (a week into their budding relationship) and when he said ummm I guess so trying to be the nice guy that he is she said "great look outside". He called fratboy 2 and asked him to come to his house for protection and he nicely tried to escort stalker back to her car while she threw a tantrum followed up by enough text messages that he also had to disconnect that service for a while.
"call me tomorrow when you're done with all your stuff so we can plan for the beach" he said. And so that's what I will do this evening. So I'm not really sure where we're at, if we're at anywhere and what the deal is. But then again whoever really is? So far a good group of those who got the verbal version think it's a good sign that we seem to be going backwards and not a big deal he didn't try to kiss me yesterday. My sister said today as we were getting off the phone that I shouldn't resign myself to thinking he's not interested if he doesn't make out with me on the beach. Don't you love it when people read your mind so well. Onward and outward to enjoy this beautiful day, but not to worry new tales will be posted tomorrow evening, after the beach day!
P.S. Almost MBA and I had our first phone chat today. More on that later...
Until tomorrow folks- enjoy the sunshine!
Well, it certainly sounds like a busy time in Dateville.
Fratboy2 (or is it 1, I get confused) sounds interested in you...I mean, after all, he's spending lots of time around you, and no one has a gun to his head, lol. So, relax and enjoy it.
I still say you should just up and ask elevator man, say, are you married? It's not like it's supposed to be a state secret. If he's not married, then fine...if he is, then he's just a penpal email buddy.
Enjoy the holiday weekend.
Well, I was a lucky oe to have gotten to hear a little bit of elevator boys story at the party but fratboy1 sounds like it could be going somewhere. He definetly sounds interested in you. I am interested to see how the beach went with him. Also when you say you plan to ask elevator boy more direct questions are you going to specifically ask if he is in a relationship or married to anyone? Keep us all posted.
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